webservice soap

Class of webservice

global with sharing class  nameclassofwebservice {

webservice static  responseWrapper createCustomReminder(String id, String Description) {

        responseWrapper response = new responseWrapper();

        if(id == null){
            response.Id = id;
            response.ResultCode = 'KO';
            response.ResultDescription = 'Error Missing Id';
            throw new WrtsException('KO - Missing Id');

        CustomReminder__c reminder = new CustomReminder__c();
        reminder.Code__c = '';
        reminder.Description__c = Description;
        reminder.ExecutionDateTime__c =  datetime.now();
        reminder.RecordId__c = id;
        reminder.Status__c = 'Executed';

        try {
            response.Id = reminder.id;
            response.ResultCode = 'OK';
            response.ResultDescription = 'CustomReminder__c Id: ' + reminder.Id + ' - Dossier Id: ' + id + ' - Description: ' + Description;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            response.Id = id;
            response.ResultCode = 'KO';
            response.ResultDescription = 'Error creation CustomReminder__c for Dossier Id: ' + id + ' - Error message: ' + e.getMessage();

        //return JSON.serialize(response);
        return response;


    global class responseWrapper {

        webservice String  Id {get; set;}
        webservice String  ResultCode {get; set;}
        webservice String ResultDescription {get; set;}

        public  responseWrapper(){ }


Test Class

public class nameclassofwebserviceTest {

    static testMethod void testNewWebService()

nameclassofwebservice.responseWrapper wsResponse = new nameclassofwebservice.responseWrapper();
        wsResponse.Id = '12345df7891ersw';
        wsResponse.ResultCode = 'OK';
        wsResponse.ResultDescription = 'Test Descrizione';

nameclassofwebservice.createCustomReminder( '12345df7891ersw','test' );

        CustomReminder__c[] cr = [select Id from CustomReminder__c where RecordId__c = '12345df7891ersw'];
        System.assertEquals(cr.size(), 1);

